A man's ability to transfer his seed to a woman plays a major role in the survival of mankind. Therefore, it is very important for him to take care of his health and masculine strength. Indicators of the state of the genital organs are discharge from the penis.
Like alarm bells, they indicate normal internal processes or pathologies. Of particular note are the discharges in men during arousal. At this point, a small amount of fluid will come out of the penis.
Its density, volume, hue and smell indicate the condition of a man's reproductive organs.
Every man should know where the limits of the norm end and pathological manifestations begin in order to take timely measures to eliminate health problems.
The emergence of a natural mystery
For successful reproduction it is important that during arousal a special fluid is released from the canal of the male organ. It is she who promotes the penetration of sperm to the female cell for fertilization.
Once sperm enter the vagina, there are many obstacles in their way. First of all, it is an acidic environment in which most male cells die. Only the secret formed during an erection will help reduce acidity.
So the male cells have a chance to survive and achieve the main goal.
The structure of the male reproductive system - click to view
Usually the male secret is absolutely transparent, without an unpleasant smell and in small quantities. Medium density consistency is considered normal.
The appearance of a secret occurs not only during sexual arousal, but also in the morning when the organ is in a state of erection. In addition, a liquid discharge appears on a beloved woman with gentle caresses. So the body prepares itself for intimacy.
Depending on the degree of excitement, the mucus has a different volume. With strong sexual desire, more discharge occurs. Also, the individuality of the male body should be taken into account. The volume of liquid released can reach up to 5 mg.
In some cases - a few drops or none at all. A small amount of sperm is released along with the liquid. This is important for those planning a pregnancy. An interrupted sexual process is not always a guarantee of success.
Along with the discharge when aroused, a man can have spermatozoa, which sometimes reach their destination.
Useful advice
If a young man is worried about copious discharge during sexual desire, you should immediately consult a doctor. A thorough examination will help to identify pathologies at an early stage of development.
The natural secret that comes out of the penis during sexual activity is of course the semen. It consists of spermatozoa and the natural mucus of the male organ. It is whitish in color and thick in character. Comes from the penis as a result of the discharge of sexual intercourse.
Discharge rates within normal limits
The volume of fluid that should be released when a man is aroused varies. The physiology of the body has a lot to do with it. Everyone knows their limit if they regularly take care of themselves.
But if the amount and type of mucus changes, it's important to see a doctor. By finding the cause in time, it really is possible to avoid problems.
In most cases, such changes signal pathology, although there are exceptions.
If a man has not had sexual intercourse for a long time, the discharge during an erection increases significantly. In addition, they become thicker than usual. And in appearance - a little cloudier. It is important that there is no yellowing and blood elements. The rate of male secretion during arousal should correspond to the following characteristics:
- transparent aqueous paint;
- without a clearly pronounced unpleasant odor;
- average density.
It is important to consider that such male discharge is influenced by lifestyle and physical illnesses. If a gentleman refrains from intimacy with a woman for a long time, this will certainly be reflected in the dismissal. Bad habits and eating habits are also risk factors. Constant stress and emotional breakdowns lead to weakened immunity and weakness in the body.
Sometimes, when aroused, the discharge from the penis leads to a bowel movement. From a physiological point of view, this is the norm. But the situation shouldn't happen often.
It is important to know:
The secret that comes out of the penis consists of spermatozoa. If they are of poor quality or if a man suffers from an inflammation of the prostate, the liquid that is secreted becomes discolored. At the same time, the smell and consistency should correspond to the norm.
A natural reaction to non-compliance with intimate hygiene is the appearance of smegma. This particular type of discharge occurs in the folds of skin near the glans of the male penis. Usually smegma leads to inflammatory processes or infections.
In adolescence, during puberty, boys have nocturnal emissions. Strong excitement occurs as a result of erotic dreams. This leads to an erection, followed by voluntary ejaculation. Pollution for the stronger sex is a physiological norm.
Secret change as a sign of illness
Unfortunately, men are not immune to STDs. And since the body is built amazingly, it is possible to determine the development of the infection by secret secret. Some complaints are recognized only on this basis. Therefore, men should carefully monitor the change in the nature of their sexual secret.
Unnatural discharge during erection often indicates such changes:
- Inflammation of the urinary tract caused by the proliferation of pathological microorganisms;
- Infections transmitted through intimate relationships;
- malignant formations;
- postoperative problems;
- Injuries to the urinary tract.
Depending on the severity of the condition, the discharge from the penis is large or scanty. In addition, pus or blood components from the hole in the glans get into the clear liquid. In this case, there will be a change in color and density.
A viscous colorless secret that appears in young people during sexual arousal often signals the presence of a pathological infection. With serious complications, pus appears in it, which accumulates on the glans and sticks the foreskin.
Various infectious infections are expressed not only in a change in the male secret. They are accompanied by itching of the penis and its swelling. The causes of the changes are such pathologies:
- prostorrhea;
- balanoposthitis;
- hematuria;
- Nongonococcal urethritis.
If a man notices obvious fluid changes that occur during arousal, he should see a doctor immediately. It is important to detect the disease at an early stage of development to avoid complications.
A clear danger signal are changes in the secretion of venereal diseases. When the discharge becomes mucus-like, it contains many leukocytes. The appearance of pus indicates the development of trichomoniasis or ureaplasmosis. A thick, sticky discharge that is greenish in color and has an unpleasant odor indicates gonorrhea.
In order to be able to react in time to the appearance of an infection, men are recommended to regularly check their secretions. This also applies to the resting state of the penis and during sexual arousal. Regular visits to the urologist for check-ups serve as reliable protection for his manpower.
Transparent discharge from the penis - is it dangerous?

Young hero-lovers and experienced men - all of them at least once encounter such a phenomenon as transparent discharge from the penis.
It is believed that a variety of secretions from the genitals is the prerogative of the female reproductive system, but this is far from the case.
In men, there are also organs and tissues that produce liquid secretions, which under certain conditions may be superfluous - hence the appearance of small drops in the external opening of the urethra.
Most often, a clear discharge from the penis is observed in men. They are not always a manifestation of pathological processes, but they invariably cause men to worry about their health. The reasons for withdrawals can be different. We will consider the most common of them below.
Norm or pathology?
The male reproductive system differs from the female in that almost all of its elements are external. This allows you to notice any changes in the early stages - almost immediately after they occur. Clear discharge in men is divided into two categories:
- physiological - formed during normal processes in the male reproductive system under the influence of a beneficial microflora;
- pathological - formed as a result of colonization of the urogenital system of pathogenic microflora.
The discharge can indicate a disease that can be confirmed by a specialist
In the first case, the transparent discharge from the penis does not pose any danger. And in the second, there is a risk of losing not only part of the sexual power, but also the functions of other organs and systems.
Diseases of the male reproductive system of infectious origin are considered in vain as innocent "ulcers" that can be treated on a case-by-case basis. Many STIs have a direct negative effect on the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
Immediately after detecting suspicious symptoms, it is important for a man to try to independently determine whether transparent discharge from the penis is dangerous in his case. It is quite difficult to do this without special training, but there are a number of signs that can be used to identify dangerous diseases.
When it comes to physiology
There are several phenomena that are absolutely safe for the health of the male reproductive system, during which transparent discharge can flow from the penis. These include:
- Physiological uretorrhea is a process in which a burst of secretion synthesis occurs in the male urethra. This phenomenon usually occurs in the morning when the bladder is full. Urethral secretions and urine are found as part of the discharge.
- Libidinal uretorrhea is a process that occurs against the background of a morning erection. The composition of the secretions can include, in addition to the urethral secretion, the secretion of the prostate and sperm.
- Defecation prostorrhea is a process that occurs against the background of increased stress during defecation. In the process, the feces actively presses on the prostate, from which a secret is secreted. It forms the basis for a transparent discharge from the penis.
The male reproductive system is designed in such a way that transparent discharge can occur during its normal functioning.
It is very easy to understand that there are no health problems in this case. When discharge occurs, a man either wants to use the toilet, or has just left it, or is experiencing a morning erection.
If the cause of the discharge is a disease
It is somewhat different with pathological secretions. They appear in diseases such as gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, urepalasmosis and mycoplasmosis. Unlike the physiological secretions described earlier, they appear at any time of the day - they are not tied to physiological processes. In addition, such discharges are accompanied by a specific complex of symptoms, including:
If the discharge from the penis is a symptom of the disease, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor.
Similar signs are characteristic of urethritis, the cause of which is a specific or nonspecific genital infection. Such symptoms can also occur after an examination by a urologist or venereologist. If the man was not at the doctor's appointment, and the transparent discharge from the penis is combined with the clinical picture described, then most likely it is genital infections.
What to do with the appearance of a pathological discharge?
If a man has an unfavorable transparent discharge from the penis with a specific smell, then treatment should begin immediately. Men often try to avoid going to the doctor. This is not recommended - attempts to fix the problem yourself can lead to the fact that a sexually transmitted disease turns into a chronic form.
Problems with the reproductive system can only be completely eliminated with the help of a specialist.
First of all, you need to make an appointment with a urologist or dermatovenerologist. Already during an external examination, he can make a preliminary diagnosis and give recommendations for the treatment of the disease. In addition, referrals are issued for the following types of analysis:
Top Article: How are male urethral swabs taken? Urography, MRI, or CT may be needed if there are signs of damage to the testicles, bladder, prostate, and other organs.
After the diagnosis is clarified, a complex treatment is prescribed - the discharge from the penis is gradually eliminated. During therapy, a man is recommended to observe personal hygiene, as well as sexual abstinence. Almost always, the doctor recommends subjecting the patient's sexual partners to examination and subsequent treatment.
Antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment for clear penile discharge. Their choice depends on the name of the identified microorganisms and their sensitivity to drugs. In addition, doctors may recommend men to change their diet.
What kind of transparent mucus is secreted in men at the time of arousal?

The process of arousal in a man is associated with the transition of the penis to an erect state, which is the key to successful sexual intercourse. Discharge from the penis during erection is considered a physiological norm and is necessary to create a favorable environment for the release of sperm.
In some cases, a change in the nature of mucus and the appearance of atypical signs indicate disorders in the genitourinary system and may be accompanied by diseases.
At the peak of arousal, a small amount of fluid is released from the urethra. Pre-ejaculate leaks out of the urethra in almost all healthy men, this is normal. You need to panic if the quantity, color or consistency has changed. Let's find out what catches the eye in men when they're excited.
Why do men smear?
Many people know that a woman literally flows with excitement. It secretes a natural lubricant that helps prevent tears in the vaginal lining during intercourse. In men, nature has provided a similar mechanism - at the moment of complete excitement, a few drops of lubricant come out of the urethra.
It fulfills several functions:
- suppresses the acidic environment in the urethra;
- moistens their ducts and prepares the passage of sperm;
- prepares the urethra for the free flow of seminal fluid;
- destroys bacteria.
The pre-semen fluid is released in a small amount, it is not enough to lubricate the penis for better sliding into the vagina. Therefore, in the absence of a sufficient amount of discharge from a woman, use lubricant.
A pre-ejaculatory increases a man's ability to conceive. It is a component of sperm that increases sperm resistance to the acidic environment of the vagina. If the littre- and bulbourethral glands do not secrete enough of this fluid, the man's chance of fathering a child is reduced.
What are the normal discharges?
The amount of lubricant released is directly related to a man's level of arousal. When sexual desire is strong, its maximum amount comes from the urethra. Usually there is very little liquid - about 5 ml.
It is necessary to understand what healthy presemen fluid looks like, what it is:
- transparent;
- without smell;
- without lumps and other inclusions;
- viscous;
- released without pain or discomfort.
The consistency of the lubricant may change. It becomes cloudy and viscous with repeated sexual intercourse, before ejaculation, or with poor hygiene. After 1-2 days, the appearance of fluid in a healthy man normalizes.
When is discharge considered abnormal?
If you notice that the lubricant from the penis has changed its consistency or smell, the reason for this may be the activity of pathogenic bacteria. This process is usually accompanied by symptoms:
- Discharge from the urethra occurs during the day, regardless of excitement;
- pain when urinating;
- unpleasant smell of linen or the liquid itself;
- the formation of mucus in large quantities;
- yellowish or greenish pre-ejaculate;
- Third-party inclusions in the lubricant - clots, blood or other;
- Change in consistency to a thicker or runny one.
If you notice such changes, you should contact a urologist immediately, as this can be a sign of a developing infection.
Classification of pathological secretions
Depending on the composition of the selection are divided into several types:
- Mucopurulent: consist of the secretion of the glands of the reproductive system, a small number of leukocytes and serous fluid. This type of fluid is most common at night, yellow spots appear on underwear, and pus is released before morning urination. The reason for the changes is the activity of bacteria: Ureamycoplasma, Chlamydia, Trichomonas.
- Purulent: composed of urethral epithelial cells, leukocytes and serous fluid. They have a strong odor and thick consistency, they come out in drops that stay on underwear. Such a discharge from the penis is characteristic of gonococcal urethritis, which arose against the background of gonorrhea and chlamydia.
- Hematorrhea: Blood droplets appear in the lubricant. They indicate an injury to the mucous membrane of the urethra. This often occurs after visiting a urologist and taking a swab for analysis, or after installing a catheter to drain urine.
- Spermatorrhea: A man ejects semen indiscriminately. The process occurs against the background of reduced muscle tone of the vas deferens. The condition occurs in a chronic inflammatory process.
- Leukocyte Urethrotorrhea: Leukocytes are present in the lubricant. They appear at the moment when the inflammatory process progresses in the exudative phase. The causes of the disease are called damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra of one of the following types: thermal, mechanical, chemical or viral.
Scanty discharge is difficult to notice. They appear when you lightly press on the urethra. Such a lubricant in men dries quickly, forming a film on the head and blinding the lips of the urethra.
The main causes of pathology
The first thing that a man with pathological discharge is examined for is sexually transmitted diseases. They are more likely to lead to urinary tract infections. A venereologist or urologist can make an accurate diagnosis after an examination, receiving the results of pathological fluid samples and several tests.
venereal disease
Sexually transmitted diseases develop against the background of unfavorable microflora. It settles on the walls of the urethra, penetrates into the glands and organs of the genitourinary system. The multiplication of pathogens leads to their spread throughout the body, the appearance of symptoms.
Diseases can be caused by pathogens:
type of microorganism | The discomfort it causes |
bacteria | Gonorrhea; Syphilis; mycoplasmosis; lymphogranuloma; inguinal granuloma; ureaplasmosis; chlamydia; Chancre. |
viruses | Molluscum contagiosum; HIV; herpes; most strains of human papillomavirus; condyloma. |
Mushrooms | Candidiasis (thrush). |
parasites | phthiriasis; Scabies. |
It is necessary to determine the type of pathogen in order to correctly prescribe treatment. Symptoms of diseases can be similar, so therapy cannot be started without examination and laboratory tests.
Self-medication or improperly selected drugs lead to the fact that the disease becomes chronic. Getting rid of it completely will be difficult.
Different reasons
If you don't have STDs, you should look for a problem in the reproductive system. most often problems with prostatitis arise. In this way, instead of a pre-ejaculate, prostate secretion can be released in large quantities.
It is similar to the lube that appears at the moment of arousal. The inflammatory process increases the amount of secretions produced by the gland as the body tries to maintain its reproductive function.
The liquid helps maintain the sperm's functions.
The reasons for excessive discharge can be:
- inflammatory processes in the reproductive system;
- hypothermia of the body;
- allergic reaction;
- Injury to the penis, chemical or physical.
Transparent mucus from the urethra also performs protective functions. The body regularly produces it in large quantities to restore the mucous membranes of the urethra. This is done after probing, taking a swab for analysis, or installing a catheter.
An increase in clear discharge during ejaculation is a symptom of infertility. Do not let everything take its course, see a doctor to get rid of the pathological process.
How is the diagnosis and treatment carried out?
Hypersecretion can be a problem for a man. As a result, linen gets dirty, unpleasant sensations appear and plaque forms on the head. If you are faced with this problem, you urgently need to contact a urologist. He will establish the cause of the increase in secretions and talk about ways to get rid of them.
A healthy man needs to see a doctor every 6 months as a preventive measure. Do not hide the existing problems at the reception, as this can lead to complications.
Diagnosis of changes in the nature of the discharge is carried out according to the general plan:
- analysis of urine;
- blood test for sugar, infections;
- Smear.
The liquid itself must be examined visually, and then its biological composition must be established. To do this, the doctor can gently press on the head during the examination to get it out of the urethra. A drop of liquid is applied to the glass and transferred to the laboratory.
If the etymology of the man's condition is not clear, additional studies may be prescribed: special urine tests, radiography, ultrasound of the prostate. They help clarify the diagnosis, find the cause of the changes.
If the volume of excretion in men increases during arousal, you should not drink antifungal drugs or antibiotics, since this condition is a sexually transmitted disease. The drugs taken blur the clinical picture and it becomes more difficult for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis. Only a urologist, after an examination and examination, can prescribe a course of therapy and give recommendations.
Can you get pregnant from a pre-ejaculate?
It has been medically proven that male lube contains low sperm counts. For conception, it is enough that only one of them reaches the egg. Therefore, it is recommended to use a condom from the beginning of the friction. Otherwise, even if intercourse is interrupted or if you are only protected from ejaculation, there is a high probability of becoming pregnant.
With repeated intercourse, the number of sperm in the lube increases, so you need to use a condom from the start. If you do not want to use it, before the second contact, wash the remaining seed from the head thoroughly and urinate.
A high probability of conception occurs in the middle of a woman's cycle, since this is when ovulation occurs and the wall of the uterus opens. Sperm easily get to the egg during this time, even without the semen's nutrient medium.
On the remaining days of the cycle, they quickly die off due to the presence of inadequate acidity in the vagina.